Last week, my dream finally came to fruition! Everything went off smoothly, without a hitch, just as I had always envisioned it, always imagined it! Thousands of people participated! The streets were blocked off and the procession was led down it's route by the LAPD! Mayor Villaraigoso and the City Councilmembers got millions in donations from the local businessess, and it all ended up at a place that could hold such a huge event; The LA Coliseum. It was everything I had dreamed of when I first came up with the idea for Operation Homeward Bound! Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the event I've been working so hard to make happen. I'm talking about the Los Angeles Lakers championship parade and celebration. Congratulations to the Lakers and their fans. Thank you to the politicians who were able to raise the money, and the local millionares and billionares who were able to deliver on said donations. All of you are the people I've been trying to contact for the past 3 years, including the Lakers themselves. I suppose if there is a positive, it's that I know such moves can be made, such money can be donated, and the politicians can make these kinds of things happen.