I didn't get into business school. I was far too distracted and maybe a bit too casual about the GMAT test. I simply didn't have time to study for it. No excuses, I rated what I got. Not too long after the fact I ran into a friend who went to both USC and UCLA. She told me that for what I'm doing, it's a waste of time and money. Truthfully, if I don't have time to study for a test, how am I going to have time for school? Right now, it seems as if I'm too busy doing things as opposed to studying and learning how to do things. In any event, I really have a lot of respect for my friend and value her opinion.
One of the greatest inspirations in this quest to end homelessness has been my father. He was a Harley rider and took part in a lot of rides and charity runs, so he really pointed me in the right direction. He helped me find people I could talk to or get advice from.In June of 2011, just before my son's first birthday, my father fell ill and went into the hospital. He was in and out for the next 6 months, but eventually lost his fight with cancer on December 5, 2011.
It's been just over a month now since I delivered his eulogy, but not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about him. I miss him so much, I can't put it into words. I'm disappointed that I didn't get into biz school or got this event together while my dad was still alive. But then I ran across these words that he sent me:
"Petey checked out your blog and i am impressed by your commitment to get involved in a problem that is monumental. the scope of the task at hand is huge. there is a theory that is applied in the workplace called the "hawthorne affect"-small changes can bring great results.this is a project that will require a long term commitment.START SMALL look forward. i wrote down a lot of notes tonight while looking at your blog. i will think about this stuff and respond soon. love dad PS, HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT----ONE BITE AT A TIME!!!!"
I love you Dad.

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